Friday, February 27, 2009

Audacity Of A Tongue: Nadashen’s Tongue Acrobatics Continues Unabated

Author: Swarnajith Udana -

Consider this unbelievable act of tongue gymnastics.

“Whenever the LTTE had the upper hand militarily, the Sri Lankan ruling party pretending to find a political solution came for peace talks. But, once finding the time space to strengthen its armed forces, the Sri Lankan ruling party disrupted the peace talks and again created the conditions for war.

The Sri Lankan Governments have staged this drama of deceiving the world and the Tamil people starting from the very first talks, after the launch of the armed struggle, in Thimbu in 1985 till the 2002 ceasefire agreement and the following five years of peace talks under Norway's facilitation.”-Nadashen

Can you see how true this is? Alright, I agree. There is a minor correction to be made. In that statement, LTTE and Sri Lankan Government are occupying each others’ place. If you do not replace LTTE with Sri Lankan Government and vice versa then this is an example of audacity of a tongue which may be unparallel in human history. This tongue is, of course, a gifted tongue. Gifted by the Sun God, that is.

Rajiv Gandhi was killed. It is either “that was an act of liberation” or “Sri Lankan Government did it to paint the LTTE in bad colour”. Which one of these is to be picked is determined by the operational need of the day.

Whatever LTTE does is an act of pure generosity of the highest kind.

Government sends food to Wanni. This is an act of genocide.
LTTE takes this food by force and deny it to the civilians. This is an act of generosity; also an act of liberation of the highest order.

The Government welcomes refugees and look after them. This is genocide.
Tamil civilians are shot at and killed by the LTTE. Further they are used as body armour. This is utmost generosity of the best of human decency.

The roads that can be used by civilians to flee to the government area are mined by the LTTE. That is emancipation.

The Tamil Diaspora cannot feel this human tragedy because their ethnic ideology has blinded them. Any ideology can blind us and can take us to the abyss of evilness. Patriotism, socialism, capitalism or even humanism in extreme form can blind us and push us into the darkness. It happens slowly. So we do not realise unless we stop and look at ourselves frequently to see where we are going.

We need to operate on principles rather than on emotions or rules. We need to practice patriotism for the welfare of our people not for the sake of ideology of patriotism. We need to practice humanism for the benefit of mankind not for the sake of ideology of humanism.

I do not believe that we are exonerated of creating the LTTE. If the right conditions were not there LTTE leader could still have become a psychopath; a social one not necessarily a socio politico one. We are a part of that crime. Tamil people are a part of that crime. We need to find salvation in our hearts, end the blame game and learn how to live together as Sri Lankans had done for many centuries, because we are them they are us.

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