Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nadesan: Tongue of the Mission -Mission of the Tongue

Author: Swarnajith Udana -

If there is single reason why crime prevails, what is it? It is the fact that we own one of most dangerous weapon. In appearance it is soft, delicate and pinky. The vicious aspect of this does not come from its appearance. It comes from its flexibility. This flexibility is needed for its original purpose. Being very clever we have used this most resourceful aspect as a tool of dehumanization. It can bend up and down and left and right. It can even be rolled.

The tongue.

It is one of the most vicious weapons of dehumanization. Do you need proof? Consider this.

"We are deeply sad and puzzled at the attitude of the apex institution of humanity, the United Nations, in not taking effective measures to protect the life, security and interests of innocent Tamil civilians," said LTTE's Political Head B. Nadesan on Tuesday. "

If it is not the fault of tongue what is it?

Nadasan complains that UN has not taken any effective measures to protect innocent Tamil civilian lives. How true is this? Is not this true if we assume that tongue has different meanings to the words according what slant it takes. Is it not true that UN has demanded LTTE release civilians. It surprises Nadasen that UN does not seem to stand for saving the life of LTTE. This particular Nadasen-tongue also says more than that.

It is god given right that they can maim and kill people at will. It is god given right that LTTE can do drug trafficking, prostituting, human smuggling, credit card frauds. It can wear so called its own people as defensive body armour. It can use the people that they are saying they are liberating as pawns who would face agonised death so that it can be used for propagandistic and/or military value. They can submerge “their own people” if they can just reverse their military debacles. The LTTE is asking who can interfere with these God given rights. Who will dare to question these rights given by Son God? That is what he is claiming.

Is this not the fault of tongue? To complete this note it is necessary that I mention another tongue-crime. That happened in Parliament in mid sixties. One Member of Parliament said in the parliament that he could not sleep until each Tamil is killed and he wears slippers made out of the skin of the last Tamil killed.

How can we tame the tongue? To tame the tongue we need to tame our thoughts. How do we tame the thoughts? Thoughts have materialistic base most of the time. As we believe we are evolved from apes. Apes are territorial. This had to be other wise they could not have been able to survive. We inherited this tribalistic and territorial nature form our forefathers. This is also not bad in itself if we understand that was necessary for our survival. Maybe still this behaviour has some positive role to play in our lives. The problem arises when we raise these natural instincts to level of super ideals that have no material basis and have their own existence.

The ideal become even bigger than the Universe itself. Then we develop xenophobia. If we understand that all these natural instincts are common for all of us and if we also know that we all share the same tears and laughs, dreams and hopes, life and death perhaps may be we will be able to tame our thoughts and develop a form of patriotism based on universality of justice and equality. This may help us to tame our tongues.

Nadasan’s tongue is further evidence of the viciousness of intrinsic nature of LTTE. LTTE and its supporters are basically unable to feel its viciousness. How can any one question God given right to be inhumane? Unbelievable is this for them, as it seems.


  1. Dear Swarnajith, your piece is on. Thank you so much for your contribution.

  2. SU, You may not like the title, if so suggest one, I will change the current title.

  3. Dear Rover:

    Thanks! The title is Ok, also you may consider:
    Tongue of the Mission -Mission of the Tongue

    Thank you very much for your support.

    Swarnajith Udana

  4. Swranajith Udana- congratulations on a well-written article!

    Rover- thanks for posting this!

  5. Dear Rover and Wijayapala:

    Thank you very much for encouragement.

    Swarnajith Udana

    PS: Nice to hear from you.

  6. Wijayapala,

    Thanks. Why silent these days? Hope everything is fine....

    Su, no problem slim, anytime...

  7. Dear Wijayapala:

    How are you doing? Why quiet?
    Swarnajith Udana
